Untamed by Glennon Doyle

Glennon Doyle, author of the New York Times bestseller Love Warrior, has written a book that is part memoir, part self-help, part uplifting feminist theory. She discusses what it means to be a girl or woman living in a cage, being taught to doubt herself and be demure and little instead of big and, as she calls it, "knowing." Basing her theories and revelations on events in her own life, as well as spirituality, Doyle brings to light the oppressing factors that women deal with in society every day.

Doyle does a fantastic job creating a narrative around social stereotypes in young girls and women, highlighting the obstacles she herself, as well as her family, have had to endure. Discussing struggles in marriage, with self-doubt, personal image, and other issues she is able to preach on the importance of "knowing:" knowing who you are, trusting your knowing, etc. She did a phenomenal job connecting social paradigms with real life and was able to write a moral boosting book. It was an enjoyable experience listening to Glennon Doyle's passion as she narrated the audio version herself. For readers who enjoy light self-help with a focus on feminism, mixed with some spirituality and personal experiences.

Click here to reserve a copy of this book!

--Sheri, Reference Librarian

Published by on September 12, 2020
Last Modified July 16, 2024