Borrowing Guidelines


  • Items may be checked out with either a library card or photo ID
  • Checkout limits:
    • 75 items per account
    • 10 audiobooks
    • 10 CDs
    • 7 DVDs
    • 20 magazines
  • 14 day checkout period for most items
  • 7 day checkout period for DVDs and other select material


  • 3 renewals allowed unless item has been requested or is an interlibrary loan (certain kits and equipment may not be renewed)
  • Item renewal is automatic. Also available in person, by phone, and online – library card number must be provided
    • To renew by phone, call 217-753-4900 ext 5614. Leave a message with your library card number and item(s) you would like renewed
    • To renew online, go to My Account and log in with your library card number and 4-digit PIN. Select the item you wish to renew under your checkouts, and click renew


  • Lincoln Library does not charge overdue fines. However, items overdue by more than 60 days will be considered lost and charged to the account. These fees are waived upon return of the item(s)
  • Lost and damaged items: list price at time of purchase
  • Accounts totaling $75 or more are referred to a collection agency, and also incur an additional non-refundable $10 fee
  • Non-Resident fee: $95 per household, per year. This fee is set annually using the general mathematical formula set forth in the Illinois Library Administrative Rules [23 Ill. Adm. Code 3050.60]
  • Payments can be made online through the Springfield City Treasurer's website

Returning Items

At the Library:

  • Drive-up return on 7th Street in front of the library
  • Outside (walk-up) book drops are located in the wall of the building near the North and South doors
  • Inside book drop is available on the first floor near the central staircase

Offsite Drop Boxes: 

Items in the offsite book drops are picked up weekly. Items returned to an offsite location will remain on your account until they are retrieved. If you check your online account shortly after dropping the book in an offsite location, the item may be listed as due or overdue. Please be aware the item may be due between pickup days.

  • Green Certified West (Monday pickup)
    • 2541 W. Iles Ave. (corner of Iles and Veterans Pkwy, near White Oaks Mall) 
    • Available:
      • Monday-Friday 8am-7pm
      • Saturday 9am-6pm
  • Green Hyundai (Thursday pickup)
    • 1200 S. Dirksen Pkwy (across from JCPenney)
    • Available:
      • Monday-Friday 9am-7pm
      • Saturday 9am-6pm

Offsite Book Drop Locations

Use the UIS Brookens Library

Lincoln Library cardholders have borrowing privileges at the University of Illinois at Springfield's Brookens Library. Click here for more information on using Brookens Library.