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Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell

Deja and Josiah are about as different as two people can be. She's flirty and extroverted, and he's shy and hard-working. But both of them love fall, and both of them love their local pumpkin patch, and so for two months each year, they are best friends, coworkers, and succotash experts together. But this is their last year working at the pumpkin patch before they both go off to college, and there's so much left undone and unsaid. So on this, their last night working together, they go on an epic quest all across the pumpkin patch, to make the most of their last chance.

Kid Gloves: Nine Months of Careful Chaos by Lucy Knisley

Kid Gloves is a memoir about Lucy Knisley’s journey from just before pregnancy to just after. She highlights some tough and personal issues she personally went through trying to conceive "Pal," the nickname she gives her son in the comic, as well as the awful medical emergency she endured at the end of her pregnancy/birth of her son. In between her chapters, marked by what trimesters she was entering, she offered up amazing facts and history about contraception, conception, pregnancy, births, babies, mothers, etc.

Belonging by Nora Krug

In this graphic memoir, framed like a scrapbook, German ex-pat Nora Krug tries to answer a question that lives in the heart of many Germans: "What role did my family play in the Holocaust?"