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Chaos Theory by Rich Restucci

The walking dead are tearing through the world.  An unlikely man with the gift – or curse? – of immunity, and an equally unlikely group of survivors struggle to remain uninfected.  The group – a convict, a Sasquatch-sized mute genius, and a young girl – must pull together to fight off thousands of slow-walking, brain-eating zombies, and hundreds of their much faster and smarter cousins, the “runners,” in order to find some semblance of a normal life.  Unfortunately, the walking and running dead aren’t the only dangers in this world.

Devolution by Max Brooks

Amidst the settling ash and chaos following the eruption  of Mount Rainier, there is a massacre of a nearby community. Built to be eco-friendly and self-sufficient, Greenloop is already considered “off-the-grid living,” but in the aftermath of the eruption, the tiny town is even more cut off from the rest of Washington. So when, fleeing the fires, a group of Bigfoot – that’s right, BIGFOOT – descend upon the community, all Hell breaks loose.