Book Vending Machine

Inchy's Book Vending Machine. Kids can use an Inchy token to purchase a new or like new book that is theirs to keep.

What is Inchy's Book Vending Machine?

Inchy's Book Vending Machine allows kids of all ages to "buy" a new or like new book that is theirs to take home and keep. 

The machine only accepts Inchy the Inchworm tokens, which kids can earn in a variety of ways.

How to Earn an Inchy Token

Kids (ages 0 – 17) can earn tokens by:

  • Completing Library Challenges
    • See a Youth Services librarian for details!
  • Celebrating a birthday
    • Stop by the Borrower's Services Desk within 7 days of the child’s birthday to get your token
  • Completing the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten reading challenge
    • A token will be rewarded with every 100 books completed and reported
  • Obtaining their first (physical) Lincoln Library card


The Book Vending Machine was made possible with the support of the Lincoln Library Foundation, and with book donations from the Lincoln Library Alliance.