Songs of Resistance Open Mic

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This is not a library sponsored event.

Purpose of Meeting

The final event in a four part series exploring music of protest and resistance, attendees are welcome to perform art-forms of protest, including but not limited to songs created and encountered during the series.

Other events in this series include:

1) Songs of Resistance: this lecture will delve into the history and function of different genres of protest songs across movements and cultures.

2) Protest Song Circle: following the methodology and guidelines of the Folk Jam Circle project, attendees of this event will gather to teach and learn together protest songs of interest.

3) Protest Songwriting Workshop: attendees will reflect on acts of resistance they’ve witnessed, how resistance shows up in their own lives and what it looks like in this moment in time, and will develop their own protest songs.

To register and for more information, text “protest songs” to +1 (217) 200-9365